Allah swt is the lord of the entire universe, and muslims have been entrusted with the duty of conveying his message to all mankind. This is to clear up the misconceptions in the minds of the non muslims who often claim they know about islam but in reality dont. A historian of islam explains the greatest misconception. Most muslims are moderate, pious, nonviolent people who are trying to honor god in their lives. There are more indian muslims than arab muslims, and more indonesian muslims than indian muslims. Chase robinson, a historian of islam says the greatest misconception about muslims is that they share a single set of fixed attitudes on the law and politics. Muslim scholars who study the quran explain islam as a religion of peace, and most muslims see islam as a religion of peace as well, preferring to let others live as they wish. As part of dawah work to mankind to understand islam, answers to frequently. This misconception was a huge buzzword right after 911 and still does come up every now and then. The author, in a very interesting chapter, titled muslims in the west, blames the evangelists for spreading the misconception about muslims and islam. A religion of orthodoxy literally, proper belief is one in which the content of a persons. Muslims must engage in jihad, also known as holywar. Misconception 1 muslims do not share good and noble values with non muslims. Dawah is a duty most muslims know that islam is a universal religion, meant for all mankind.
Misconception and facts about islam at kuncharam, gulbarga district. Misconception and facts about islam, question and answers. A lot of people misconstrue jihad to be a religious agenda to wage war, and is often cited as the reasoning for much of fringe islamic extremism. The fastest way to prove that this is completely false is to state the fact that only about 15% to 20% of the muslims in the world are arabs. Pdf islam is the religion of peace and mercy for all creatures. Common misconceptions about muslims encountering the. The common misconceptions about islam arise in the minds of a majority of nonmuslims, because they are constantly being. Sharia law or islamic law is about protecting the innocent and upholding islamic values. Misconceptions about islam alhamdulillahlibrary pdf title. Common misconceptions about islam by dr zakir naik.
Islam is one of the worlds largest religions yet it is also one of the most. Answers to non muslims common questions about islam. And if anyone saves a person it will be as if he has saved the whole of humanity. This includes prayer, charity and fasting to remember those in the world who dont have enough to eat during the holy season of ramadan. These rights are bases on revelations from the divine book of muslims, the glorious quran and from the sunnah, the practice of allahs messenger pbuh the two main sources of islamic life and jurisprudence. This pamphlet shows some misconceptions about islam and gives answers to all of them. Pdf communication is a social process in which individuals use symbols to establish and interpret meaning in their.
Sharia law is not about extreme punishments for minor offenses. In this booklet the author address human rights in the light of perfectly balanced system of laws and principles of islam. All muslims are arabs the muslim population of the world is around 1,2 billion. As of today we have 77,897,669 ebooks for you to download for free. Information on the selected answers to particular questions as given by world renowned muslim scholar dr. Muslims worship a new god called allah if anyone murders an innocent person, it will be as if he has murdered the whole of humanity. They are a vast range of races, nationalities, and cultures from around the globefrom the phillipines to nigeriathey are united by their common islamic faith. A simple stroll through ones newsfeed is bound to be filled with people speaking either for or against islam and in most instances such discussions are fueled with misunderstandings and.
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